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[UI5] Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors



You can use semantic colors and industry-specific colors to visualize the status or state of business data:

  • Semantic colors denote standard value states (such as good, bad, or warning). Each color has the same basic meaning in all contexts.
  • Industry-specific colors reflect the color conventions in a line of business or industry. The meaning of each color depends on the business context.
    In SAPUI5, industry-specific colors are called indication colors.

Nearly all input controls support semantic colors, while industry-specific colors are only supported by a few UI elements.

For more information about the color values, see Belize Colors and Quartz Light Colors.

Object status with semantic colors


Object status with industry-specific colors

Color Usage

Each theme is based on a set of individual base reference values. These are:

  • Primary (main user interface colors)
  • Secondary (accent colors)
  • Grayscale (neutral values)
  • Semantic (value state colors)

The reference colors listed on this page give a helpful indication as to where they are used in the UI controls and layouts. However, it is extremely important that reference values are not used directly in the control styling. The Quartz Light reference color values are specific to this particular theme, but are assigned to control parameters.

The reference colors are used as base values, whichare then distributed into the UI controls via a stable set of theme control parameters that are available in each theme. Theme control parameters represent semantically named parts of the controls. They are decoupled from the actual color values so that the color values can be easily replaced. The theming guideline explains how these reference values are mapped to the user interface controls.

Primary Colors

The recommended primary colors leverage the uniqueness of SAP Fiori apps. The primary colors represent the overall look and feel.

SAP Fiori Standard Theme Primary Colors

Primary 1
Home/ Shell Header

rgb(53, 74, 95)


Primary 2
Brand / Links

rgb(10, 110, 209)


darken Primary 2 10%
Highlight / Selected / Icons

rgb(8, 84, 160)


Primary 3
App Headers and Containers

rgb(255, 255, 255)


Primary 4
Home/ Shell Background Base

rgb(237, 239, 240)



Primary 5
Borders and Derived Controls

rgb(137, 145, 154)


Primary 6
Text and Titles

rgb(50, 54, 58)


Primary 7
Subtitles and Labels

rgb(106, 109, 112)




SAP Fiori Launchpad Gradient

The gradient is mainly applied to launchpad or dashboard overview page types.


rgb(223, 227, 228)



rgb(243, 244, 245)





Accent Colors

Secondary colors can be applied to accentuate important elements. They make a vivid contribution to the overall UI and should be used sparingly.


Accent 1
rgb(208, 128, 20)


Accent 2
rgb(208, 67, 67)


Accent 3
rgb(219, 31, 119)


Accent 4
rgb(219, 31, 119)


Accent 5
rgb(99, 103, 222)



Accent 6
rgb(40, 110, 180)


Accent 7
rgb(15, 130, 143)


Accent 8
rgb(124, 161, 12)


Accent 9
rgb(146, 90, 206)


Accent 10
rgb(100, 121, 135)



Grayscale areas play an important role in any SAP Fiori user interface. They minimize the risk of over-stimulation and foster simplicity. White and the light grays are mainly used for areas in the background or for borders. Darker gray shades are primarily used for text.


Text and Titles

rgb(50, 54, 58)


Subtitles and Labels

rgb(106, 109, 112)


Prompt / Placeholder Text

rgb(116, 119, 122)



Borders and Derived Controls

rgb(137, 145, 154)


Header / Container Borders

rgb(217, 217, 217)


List / Table Borders
rgb(229, 229, 229)



Column Header Background
rgb(242, 242, 242)


Application Content Background
rgb(247, 247, 247)


Header / Card / Container Background
rgb(255, 255, 255)





Semantic Colors

Semantic colors can be used to represent a negative, critical, positive, neutral, or information status. For more information, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

Semantic Foreground Colors


rgb(187, 0, 0)



rgb(233, 115, 12)



rgb(16, 126, 62)



rgb(106, 109, 112)



rgb(10, 110, 209)


Semantic Background Colors


rgb(255, 235, 235)



rgb(254, 247, 241)



rgb(241, 253, 246)



rgb(244, 244, 244)



rgb(245, 250, 255)


Indication Colors

The indication color palette is used to follow the color conventions in a line of business or industry. All values are themeable and the meaning of each color depends on the business context. For more information, see How To Use Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors.

UI Indication 1

rgb(136, 0, 0)


UI Indication 2

rgb(233, 115, 12)


UI Indication 3

rgb(233, 115, 12)


UI Indication 4

rgb(16, 126, 62)


UI Indication 5

rgb(10, 110, 209)


UI Indication 6

rgb(15, 130, 143)


UI Indication 7

rgb(146, 90, 206)


UI Indication 8

rgb(192, 57, 159)




