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[SD] Billing Third-Party Orders


If relevance for billing indicator for the item category has been set to B (relevant for order-related billing on the basis of the order quantity) in Customizing, the system includes the order in the billing due list immediately. If, however, the indicator has been set to F (relevant to order-related billing on the basis of the invoice quantity), the system does not include the order in the billing due list until an invoice from the vendor has been received and processed by the purchasing department. In the standard system, item category TAS (third-party order processing) has been given billing-relevance indicator F.

In the first case, the third-party order is considered to be completely billed only when the invoiced quantity equals the order quantity of the sales order item. In the second case, each time a vendor invoice is received, a customer invoice is created for the quantity in the vendor invoice and the order is considered to be fully invoiced until the next vendor invoice is received.



If you have activated billing-relevance indicator F for item categories in Customizing, billing can refer to the goods receipt quantity instead of the incoming invoice quantity.
You can control whether the invoice receipt quantity or the quantity of goods received is relevant for billing in Customizing for copying control for billing at item level.

