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[SD] Condition Type


Go to SPRO -> IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing Control -> Define Condition Types




A condition type is a representation in the system of some aspect of your daily pricing activities. For example, you can define a different condition type for each kind of price, discount or surcharge that occurs in your business transactions.


Example of a Condition Type

You define the condition type for a special material discount. You specify that the system calculates the discount as an amount (for example, a discount of USD 1 per sales unit). Alternatively, you can specify that the system calculates the discount as a percentage (for example: a 2% discount for orders over 1,000 units). If you want to use both possibilities, you must define two separate condition types. The following figure illustrates how condition types can be used during pricing in a sales document.

In the example in the preceding figure, two discounts apply to the item in the sales order. The first discount is a percentage discount based on the quantity ordered. The second discount is a fixed discount based on the total weight of the item.



You determine the calculation type for a condition type in Customizing. This determines how the system calculates prices, discounts and surcharges for a condition. When setting up condition records, you can enter a different calculation type than the one in Customizing. At present all available calculation types are permitted. The field ‘Calculation type’ can however not be accessed if this field is left empty. After the data release has been printed, if the field has not been completed manually, the proposal is automatically taken from Customizing. After this it is no longer possible to make manual changes.

If you use different calculation types for what are otherwise the same conditions (for example, percentage, as a fixed amount or quantity-dependent), you do not have to define different condition types in Customizing. You can set a different calculation type when maintaining the individual condition records.

Condition Types in the Standard Version of the SAP System

The standard system includes, among many others, the following predefined condition types:

Condition type Description
PR00 Price
K004 Material discount
K005 Customer-specific material discount
K007 Customer discount
K020 Price group discount
KF00 Freight surcharge (by item)
UTX1 State tax
UTX2 County tax
UTX3 City tax

