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[FI] 재무제표버전 Financial Statement Version(FSV) IMG - 재무회계(신규) - General Ledger Accounting(NEW) - 마스터 데이터 - G/L 계정 - 재무제표버전 정의 재무제표버전 정의 In this activity: You define the versions you need to create a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. You can define versions for a specific chart of accounts, for a group chart of accounts, or without any specific assignment. You then determine the financial statement items for your version. You assig..
[ABAP] SET SCREEN/CALL SCREEN/LEAVE TO SCREEN With SET SCREEN the current screen simply specifies the next screen in the chain , control branches to this next screen as sonn as th e current screen has been processed .Return from next screen to current screen is not automatic .It does not interrupt processing of the current screen.If we want to branch to the next screen without finishing the current one ,use LEAVE SCREEN. - With CALL SCREEN ..
[ABAP] Service Calls in a Web Dynpro Application Service Calls in a Web Dynpro Application Use A service call is used to call an existing function module or methods of an existing class within a Web Dynpro component. This is particularly useful with reference to assistance classes or proxy classes of Web services. Prerequisites If you want to use the service call to include an existing function module in your Web Dynpro application, you can ac..
[MM] 주문 수량 재고관리의 목적은 요구하는 고객만족수준을 제공하는 동시에 관련 총 비용을 줄이는 것이다. 1. 한번에 얼마만큼 주문할 것인가? 2. 언제 주문할 것인가? 저장단위(SKU: Stock-Keeping Unit) 특정한 재고는 각각의 품목으로 관리하는데, 이러한 것을 저장단위(SKU)라고 부른다. 두 개의 흰색 셔츠가 같은 재고로 관리되고 있어도 사이즈나 색상이 다르면 두개의 다른 저장단위가 된다. 똑가은 셔츠가 두개의 다른 재고로 관리되고 있다면 이것도 두개의 다른 저장단위가 된다. 발주량(Lot-Size Decision Rules) 결정 규칙 기본작업단위1(Lot)와 배치(batch)란 "같이 생산되고 같은 생산비용과 사양을 공유하는 수량"이라고 정의. 한번에 주문할 기본작업단위 수량을 결정하는 일반적인 ..
[UI5] Semantic Colors / Industry-Specific Colors Intro You can use semantic colors and industry-specific colors to visualize the status or state of business data: Semantic colors denote standard value states (such as good, bad, or warning). Each color has the same basic meaning in all contexts. Industry-specific colors reflect the color conventions in a line of business or industry. The meaning of each color depends on the business context. In..
[UI5] Login Page App.view.xml App.cotroller.js sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel", "sap/m/MessageBox" ], function(Controller, JSONModel, MessageBox) { "use strict"; return Controller.extend("loginPage.controller.App", { onInit : function () { var oData = { id: "", password: "" }; var oModel = new JSONModel(oData); this.getView().setModel(oModel); //this가 controller를 바라볼 수..
[UI5] sap.m.Table onFilterBarSearch : function (oEvent) { var oFilterbarModelData = this.getView().getModel("filterbar").getData(); var sDefaultDate = oFilterbarModelData.sDefaultDate; var sCategoryKey = oFilterbarModelData.categoryKey; var sStatusKey = oFilterbarModelData.statusKey; if( sStatusKey === 1 ) { sStatusKey = "Available"; }else if( sStatusKey === 2 ) { sStatusKey = "Unavailable"; var aFilter = []; var..
